Robert W. Downs
February 7, 2025
Personalized medicine is especially intriguing, as a problem with most drugs are the potential side effects. From a naive perspective, administering drugs may appear to be a trial and error process: take this for two weeks and come back with a follow up visit. If you have any side effects, contact me immediately. Wouldn’t it be nice if a drug had the effect it was meant to have without the possibility of side effects?<... Read more
January 25, 2022
Okay, let’s get this out of the way up front. The answer is maybe… but only with a lot more work and with substantially reduced claim scope.<... Read more
Richard D. Kelly
April 28, 2020
The USPTO has published an apparently January 2020 Commissioner Decision effectively precluding the filing of patent applications where the invention was made solely by artificial Intelligence (AI). This decision has implications in the pharmaceutical industry where the use of AI to identify new compounds or uses for old compounds is utilizing AI. It also provides some guidance as to how the problem may be avoided.<... Read more